Saturday, April 20, 2019

20 APRIL 2019

            We waited until dark to celebrate this great Vigil of Easter.  A bight fire dispelled the darkness.  Having blessed that fire, we prepared the new Easter candle, lit it, and carried it into this darkened church.  Then the fire of that candle was shared with the rest of this assembly. In sharing, its flame was not diminished.  Instead, the shared flame lit the church as we heard the proclamation of the Lord’s resurrection in the Exsultet.  Then we listened to the Lord speaking to us in seven readings from the Old Testament, one from Saint Paul, and the Gospel according to Saint Luke.
            Beginning with the first reading that describes God’s bringing light and creation out of watery chaos; we have heard the stories of God’s faithful involvement in our history.  All of these stories find their culmination in this Gospel.  The bright light of Christ’s resurrection has dispelled the darkness of the tomb that held his dead body.  No one witnessed this event.  But the two men dressed in dazzling white tell the women that they should not seek the living among the dead.  They tell them that he has been raised.  Even though the apostles do not believe them, Peter runs to the tomb and is amazed.  It was the beginning of faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
            Now, we who are disciples of Jesus Christ express our faith in this Mystery which is at the heart of everything we believe.  We call forward the elect.  They will renounce Satan and his lies.  They will profess their faith in the Trinity. They will walk to the Baptismal Font, where they will be buried with Christ in the waters of baptism.  They will rise with him, with all their sins forgiven.  Along with the Candidates for Full Communion, the rest of us will renew our baptismal promises.  The newly baptized and received will be sealed with the Holy Spirit and receive the Lord’s Body and Blood for the first time.
            We trust the witness of those women and the other disciples.  We encounter the Lord in the Sacraments tonight.  We know that the Lord is not among the dead.  He has been raised and is living in our midst.

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