Sunday, March 24, 2024



23 MARCH 2024


            Palm Sunday introduces us to a week filled with contrasts.  Those who shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David” today will yell “Crucify him” on Friday.  At the beginning of the Passion according to Saint Mark, the woman of Bethany empties the entire jar of expensive perfumed  oil on the head of Jesus.  On Friday, he will empty his entire life on the cross.  At the meal, he is surrounded by his disciples.  When taken away to a mock trial, Jesus is abandoned by all, signified by the man who runs away naked.  When he comes to Calvary, Jesus is stripped of his clothing and embraces the pain, nakedness, and horror of being crucified.  He completely empties himself, as Saint Paul reports in his Philippian hymn. 

In the trial before the Sanhedrin, Jesus testifies honestly about himself and is condemned to death.  A few yards below in the courtyard,  Peter testifies falsely about himself out of fear and is plunged into guilt and grief.  The Church is inviting us to admit the ways we imitate Peter and those who abandon him.  In humility and contrition, we can renew our trust in the power of Jesus Christ to forgive us and save us.  As a faithful Jew, Peter knows the custom of praying at certain hours – 9:00 in the morning, noon, and 3:00 in the afternoon to sanctify time itself.  In the Passion, Jesus is crucified at 9:00.  Darkness covers the land at noon.  At 3:00, he delivers over his Spirit.  We sign ourselves at 12, 6, 3, and 9.  Through the cross, Christ has entered and sanctified all eternity and every hour of our being.

Holy Mother Church invites us to observe sacred time during the Sacred Paschal Triduum to enter into these mysteries in a deeper way.  Please join us in this shortest and most important Liturgical Season, beginning on Holy Thursday evening and concluding on Easter Sunday evening.  Details are in the bulletin and online.  You will not be disappointed.

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