Sunday, January 28, 2024



28 JANUARY 2024


          At the time of Jesus, scribes and anyone claiming to be a teacher based their teachings on the authority of a previous scholar of the law.  Ultimately, they traced all their teaching authority to Moses.  In today’s reading from the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses calls himself the prophet.  But he also promises that God will raise up for his people among their kin a prophet like him. 

            Mark sees this prophecy fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, who returns to Capernaum, the center of his ministry in Galilee.  Unlike the scribes and other rabbis, he preaches with his own authority.  People are amazed at his teaching, but are unable to connect the dots to know his true identity.  However, the unclean spirit who possesses the man knows exactly who he is.  The unclean spirit knows that Jesus is the prophet promised by Moses.  The unclean spirit realizes that Jesus is lord of the Sabbath, unlike the scribes who will eventually condemn Jesus for ignoring the Law of Moses by healing on the Sabbath.  The unclean spirit knows that Jesus will eventually destroy the power of the demons by entering into the darkness of death himself.

            At this Mass, we continue to listen to Jesus speaking directly to each one of us.  We know that he fulfills the prophecy of Moses.  He speaks with authority to us.  In celebrating his death and resurrection made present at this Eucharist, we know what that unclean spirit knows.  He has defeated the power of Satan.  He has the power to drive him out.  But the demons never quit.  They do everything possible to distract us from believing this mystery.           

            There is no shortage of the demon’s activities in our world today.  Wars are raging out of control, and innocent victims are suffering greatly.  We live in a deeply divided and polarized society, where we tend to demonize those who disagree with us.  There is a callous disregard for the sanctity of human life.  It is so much easier to put other priorities first.  It is becoming more difficult to tell the difference between what is true and what is false.  As the father of lies, the devil loves the chaos caused by so many untruths.

            Saint Paul is fully aware of his own demons when he writes to the Church at Corinth.  He had been blind to the truth about Jesus of Nazareth and had persecuted his followers.  He had been arrogant and prideful of the way he practiced his faith as a Pharisee.  But he encountered the Lord on the road to Damascus.  He recognized Jesus Christ is the long-promised Messiah who could cast out his demons.  He preached this message to the Gentiles as a celibate man.       Each one of us is a follower of Jesus Christ in our current vocations.  Most of you are married, and some of us remain single or committed to living a celibate life.  In his Letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul is speaking from his own perspective.  As a celibate man, he concentrates all his energies in embracing the person of Jesus Christ, who had cast out his demons.  We also need to acknowledge that we have demons that speak lies to us and tempt us to believe that division and hatred and chaos are part of the fabric of human life.  Jesus has the power to cast out those demons.  He can free us to trust more completely in his power.  With our demons cast out, we can have the serenity of the man in today’s Gospel.  We can know the peace that Saint Paul lived with, even in the midst of all of the challenges he faced.

            The Season of Lent is coming much more quickly than usual this year.  As we prepare to enter those forty days of repentance, we might spend some time in prayer to identify the demons that each of us possesses.  It might be the demon of arrogance and pride.  It might be the demon of attraction to an unhealthy habit.  It might be the demon of envy or greed or jealousy.  It might be the demon that continues to tell us that we cannot trust in the Lord’s plan for us.  Through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we can face our demons and allow the Lord to drive them out.

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