Sunday, March 28, 2021



28 MARCH 2021


          When Saint Paul wrote to the Church in Philippi, he knew that there were divisions and conflicts within the community.  So he tells them to imitate the example of Jesus Christ.  Unlike our first parents who grasped at equality with God, Jesus emptied himself of his equality with God, took the form of a slave, and remained obedient, even to the point of death.

            This magnificent Philippian hymn sets the stage for Holy Week.  We begin Holy Week by adding our voices to those in Jerusalem proclaiming “Hosanna,” welcoming Christ as our beloved king.  We sing “Hosanna” when we welcome the stranger in our midst, feed the hungry, or care for those in need.  But we also cry “Crucify him” when we fail to do these things.

            Holy Week unveils the drama of the central Mystery of our faith.  Holy Week invites us to put ourselves into the details of the Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection.  At times, we are formed to do the right and just things, even when we do not understand.  In those cases, we are like the unnamed woman who shatters the alabaster jar to “waste” expensive oil to anoint Jesus. But at other times, we betray Jesus with our actions, like Judas Iscariot.  Or we are like Peter, James, and John, unable to stay awake during our watch.  Sometimes we are like Peter, very sure of our faith until we are tested.  More often than we care to admit, we are like Pilate, longing for justice but following the crowd.

            The readings of Palm Sunday set the stage for our participation in this Mystery this week.  Lent ends when we enter into the Triduum with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday evening.  Please join us for the major Triduum Liturgies.  We have gone to great lengths to accommodate the crowds while still observing the pandemic protocols.  You can also follow all the Liturgies online. 


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