Saturday, May 5, 2018

6 MAY 2018

          As we continue to reflect on the Lord’s Resurrection during this Easter Season, both the first Letter of John and the Gospel of John make a critical point about the love of God.  Not only is God love, but God has loved us first.  God loved us in the Mystery of the Incarnation when Jesus took on human flesh.  Jesus Christ demonstrates his incredible love by giving his entire life on the cross for us.  We know the love of God as he remains in us.  We imitate the love of God when we lay down our lives.  In that action, we understand the intimate friendship which we share with the risen Lord and with each other as members of his Body at this Eucharist.
            You parents know this kind of sacrificial love when you lay down your lives for your children.  There are countless examples when each of us has responded to the love of God by laying down our lives for another.
            Please consider another way of laying down your life for others.  God has given each of us gifts and talents.  Be sure to take some time to reflect to thank God for your talents.  Please consider sacrificing some time to give them in humble service to our parish.  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our parish is active and alive, because so many parishioners are grateful for their gifts and are willing to use those gifts to meet the needs of our parish.  Please pick up your family packet in the Parish Life Center and pray over your decision.
            You would expect me to say these things.  I have come to believe the truth of the Gospel message.  I also have a vested interest in making sure that our parish remains alive and well.  For that reason, Cindy Hestad will tell her story of how she came to participate in the Stewardship of Service at Saint Pius.

Greetings (Good evening/morning)

My name is Cindy Hestad and I am humbled to speak to you today about stewardship of service.

My husband Ron and I have been married for 32 years. We have two children, Brad who is in the Army and currently deployed in Afghanistan, and our daughter Hannah who is a second-grade teacher here at Saint Pius X school.

As a family, we have been parishioners of Saint Pius for about 24 years.

My involvement in our parish has grown over the years but my main commitment of stewardship has been in teaching religious education to children. Beyond teaching CCD, I also serve on the parish council, coordinate the military board, meet with parents once a month during Sunday catechesis, lead a book study group, and together with my husband, meet with engaged couples as part of the Pre-Cana program. Next year I am also looking forward to assisting with Saint Pius’ wonderful Family Catechesis evenings.

 Yes, my children are grown and no I don’t work outside of the home. But it wasn’t always that way.   My involvement in the parish slowly grew over the years when my children were at home and I was working full time and that is why I am so happy to share with you today two little secrets (I think) of stewardship of service.

Trust me, I am not here to tell you that stewardship means signing up for everything and volunteering for hours on end. That is the beauty of it and the first secret. Stewardship can be involvement in only one thing!  Our parish offers many, many different types of opportunities to serve. I started with teaching CCD. I knew nothing about it but it interested me.

One year of teaching led me to the next and the next and before you knew it I was over 10 years in.

Looking back over the years of teaching I learned through my experience the second secret of stewardship…. Joy! A true gift from God!

The fruits I have received by doing God’s work, which is what we are all called to do, have given me such immense joy and has graced my life in ways that are beyond amazing!

 Within my marriage, in my children’s lives, in my friendships and most importantly, in my faith and love for Jesus.

God never called me to do His work, no matter how difficult or easy, without giving me the desire to learn and the gift of joy to want do more.

Where I thought I had no time…. God made time. Where I thought I couldn’t do something, God gave me the desire to learn. Where I thought I was stepping way out of my comfort zone, God gave me peace. All I did was check a little box indicating I was willing to help and he took care of the rest and for that I am very thankful.

I sincerely believe that embracing stewardship of service within my life has allowed me to serve from the heart and to be better prepared for whatever God has planned for me.

As I conclude, please let me leave you with a little visual to think about. How awesome will it be to stand some day before the face of God and hear him say…. Well done, my good and faithful servant!

Thank you for your time and I wish you Christ’s peace and joy as you prayerfully consider where God is calling your hands, your heart and your talent.

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