Saturday, January 4, 2025



5 JANUARY 2025


            Saint Paul tells the Ephesians that he has been given the stewardship of God’s grace.  That gift was given to him on the road to Damascus, when the Risen Lord appeared to him to initiate a most dramatic conversion.  As a responsible steward, Saint Paul spent the rest of his life sharing that gift with people, especially non-Jewish Gentiles.

            Saint Matthew explains the gift of God’s grace today.  The magi are probably astrologers who respond not by a direct revelation by God, but by a star, part of God’s creation.  They follow the star, much like the Israelites followed a pillar of fire when leaving Egypt.  Expecting that a king would be born in a capital city, they arrive in Jerusalem.  There, the acting king seeks the advice of the chief priests and the scribes.  They quote the Prophet Micah that the child would be born in Bethlehem.  He sends them there, not to do homage, but to eliminate a potential rival.       

            Directed by the star, they arrive in Bethlehem.  Entering the house, they encounter what appears to be an ordinary baby.  But, guided by the revelation of the Prophet Micah, they perceive much more.  They prostrate themselves to do him homage, acknowledging by their gifts the true identity of this child.  The gold identifies him as the king they had traveled to visit.  The frankincense declares that he is God, and not just an ordinary king in the line of King David.  The myrrh reflects his mission.  Obeying the will of his Father, he will sacrifice his entire life on the cross for the salvation of all.  Having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they depart by another way to their country.

            The irony is striking.  Those who know better should have recognized this gift of God’s grace.  But they ignore it.  Those who have had no understanding or interest in the gift get it.  Their encounter with this gift changed them, indicated by their decision to return home by another way.  The poet T.S. Eliot expresses this conversion in his poem, “Journey of the Magi.”  Eliot speaks from the perspective of one of the magi in his old age.  He describes the difficulties he and his fellow travelers had encountered on their way to Bethlehem.  After painting a word picture of the Mystery that they had encountered, he ends the poem by saying: “We returned to our places, these Kingdoms, but no longer at ease there, in the old dispensation, with an alien people clutching their gods.”  No longer aliens, they now share the gift of God’s grace that Saint Paul describes in the second reading.

            In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah tells Jerusalem to rise in splendor and be so radiant that the world will see the Lord’s light reflected through her inhabitants.  Ironically, he speaks to exiles recently returned to Jerusalem after their fifty-year exile in Babylon.  There is no splendor or radiance in this destroyed city.  But Isaiah promises that God will prevail and overcome their darkness and hard work of rebuilding their city.  Saint Matthew sees this prophecy fulfilled in today’s Gospel.  The magi encounter the splendor and radiance of the infant, who is king, God, and suffering servant.

            No matter how dark and discouraging we may find our world today, we too have been baptized as stewards of God’s grace.  At this Mass, we hear ordinary words and see gifts of bread and wine.  Like the magi, we hear the Lord speaking to us in the Word.  We look beyond the appearance of bread and wine.  We prostrate ourselves during the Eucharistic Prayer in homage and encounter the Lord’s presence as his Body and Precious Blood.  Instead of bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, we bring the gifts of our hearts in praise and thanksgiving.  Then, transformed by these gifts, we are sent out to be stewards of God’s grace to those we encounter in this New Year.

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