Sunday, September 20, 2020





          Those who heard this parable from the mouth of Jesus must have sympathized with the day laborers who had worked an entire 12 hour day under the hot sun.  It is not fair that they receive the same pay as those laborers who worked for only one hour.  And to be honest, we share that same sympathy today.  How could any employer sustain a healthy work force using these tactics?  The answer is simple:  none!

            And that is exactly the point of the parable.  As Isaiah reminds his people, God’s ways are not our ways.  The kingdom of heaven, which Jesus has been proclaiming for weeks, is very different from the kingdom in which we currently live.  In the kingdom of heaven, the essence of a person is not determined by how much he or she works or how much he or she has earned.  The essence of a person is determined by the fact that God has made us in his image.  God offers his grace, a generous share in his life, not because we have earned it or deserved it.  God invites everyone to respond.  It does not matter to God when we respond to that invitation – whether at the beginning of our lives, when we reach middle age, or just before death. 

            The fact that we are gathered in this church or participating on line indicates that we have responded to the Lord’s call.  We are working to embrace the kingdom of heaven already present in our midst.  We work to respect the dignity of all people, unborn or born, rich or poor, whether they are immigrants or citizens, and members of all races.  As the Body of Christ, we also work to be instruments of God’s gracious invitation for others to embrace the kingdom of heaven and join us in this work.

            Please watch this video for the Annual Bishop’s Appeal.  Our support of the Appeal assists Bishop Rhoades and those who work with him in the work of evangelization, of spreading the good news of the kingdom of heaven in our midst. 

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