Sunday, October 28, 2018

28 OCTOBER 2018

          For the past few Sundays in the Gospel of Saint Mark, Jesus has been walking with his disciples on the way to Jerusalem.  On the way, he has called people to follow him.  One young man responded with enthusiasm and asked what he needed to do to belong to the Kingdom.  Jesus looked at him with love.  But, when Jesus told him to give away all his wealth, the young man went away sad.  He could not see the benefits of giving his wealth away and trusting the spiritual riches open to him through Jesus Christ.   
            Those disciples who had left everything continued to follow Jesus. On the way, he has been teaching them that the promised Messiah would not be a conquering hero bringing great honor and prestige and power.  Instead, he is the Suffering Servant promised by the Prophet Isaiah.  Once they reach Jerusalem, he would be rejected, betrayed, and crucified like a criminal.  The disciples could not hear this message.  In fact, James and John displayed their blind ambition by asking him to sit on his right and left in the Kingdom     
            Today, Jesus and his disciples reach Jericho to begin their ascent to the Holy City of Jerusalem.  As they leave town, a blind beggar starts yelling.  He has obviously heard of Jesus, because he calls him the son of David, a title indicating his true nature.   He asks for mercy, much as we asked the Lord for mercy at the beginning of Mass.  Just as the disciples had tried to silence the children who were drawn to Jesus, they try to silence Bartimaeus.  Just as Jesus had called the children and used them as examples of how to trust, he calls Bartimaeus and asks what he wants.  Unlike James and John, Bartimaeus does not want power and prestige and honor.  He just wants to see.  Unlike the wealthy young man, he trusts so much in the Son of David that he leaves his only possession, the cloak which kept him warm at night, to run toward Jesus.  Bartimaeus becomes a true disciple and follows Jesus on the way to Jerusalem.
            Bartimaeus has much to teach us about being intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.  We may not be physically blind, but we all have plenty of blind spots.  The divisions in our Church and our country can close our eyes to the person of Jesus Christ in the pain of other people, in those most vulnerable members of our society, or even in those who drive us crazy.  We may not be in the 1% of the nation’s wealthy people, but we tend to cling tightly to our possessions and status.  Bartimaeus teaches us to acknowledge that we cannot save ourselves.  We need to cry out to the Son of David for mercy.  He teaches us that we can see more clearly with the eyes of faith.  He teaches us to let go of what we think will save and protect us and follow him on the way.
            At the 10:00 Mass this morning, we celebrate the Rite of Acceptance for a number of people who have never been baptized and the Rite of Welcome for those who have been baptized in another Christian community and want to be in full communion with the Catholic Church.  Each person has heard the Lord Jesus calling them.  Each of them have let go of their free time on Tuesday evenings to join us for prayer, catechesis, and formation.  Today, they take the first formal step toward encountering Jesus Christ in the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.  We pray for them, support them, and join them in learning the lessons of Bartimaeus.  He followed Jesus to the cross and experienced the resurrection.  Together with our Catechumens and Candidates for Full Communion, we continue to walk the way of discipleship through our crosses to share in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

21 OCTOBER 2018

          James and John enjoy a privileged position among the Apostles.  Jesus has taken them aside many times at critical times in his ministry, along with Peter.  They had been with Peter when Jesus had been transformed on Mount Tabor.  They had enjoyed a glimpse of his true nature and future glory.  They already know that Jesus has given Peter a position of primacy in the Church to be established.  So, it is completely understandable that they would approach Jesus and ask for places of power and honor and prestige when Jesus comes into his glory.  They are following their natural instincts.
            However, their timing is horrible.  On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching them that as Messiah, he is the suffering servant of Isaiah.  When Isaiah said that God was pleased to crush his servant in infirmity, he was not talking about a blood thirsty tyrant who can only be appeased by suffering.  The suffering servant willingly takes the place of a guilty Israel to suffer the consequences of their sinfulness in a redemptive way.  As the promised suffering servant, Jesus would take upon himself all the effects of human sin, hatred, rejection, and betrayal.  For the third time, Jesus clearly tells his apostles that their journey on the road to Jerusalem will result in his sacrificial death on a cross.  He will drink the cup that represents the Father’s will for him in his mission of salvation.  He will pay the ransom for the consequences which humankind deserves for our embrace of sin.
            James and John have not been listening to his words.  Instead of yelling at them for not paying attention, he asks if they can drink of that cup.  They glibly say that they can.  But Jesus knows that they have no idea of what they are talking about.  In time, they will understand that the crucified Lord is surrounded by two thieves on as he dies on the cross on Mount Calvary. He gives himself as a humble servant.   After the resurrection, they too will understand that their privileged leadership in the Christian community will involve humble service, and not power and honor and prestige.  In being humble servants, they will eventually drink of that same cup and show the world a different style of leadership.  They too will share in the redemptive suffering of the one who has taken upon himself the sins of the world.
            If we study the history of our Church over the past 2,000 years, we can see many examples of privileged leaders who have understood their roles as humble servants.  When leaders have shared in the redemptive suffering of Jesus Christ, the Church has flourished.  But, when privileged leaders have repeated the mistake of James and John and have put their desires for power and honor and prestige ahead of the needs of the faithful, the Church has suffered.  We are living in such a time now.  We see the incredible damage done when certain priests and bishops have put their own pleasure and interests ahead of the people they should have been serving as humble servants.  They have done great damage to the Body of Christ.
            Jesus speaks directly to us who have the privileged position of being leaders.  He reminds us that we are called to be humble servants, putting the needs of the people ahead of our own desires and needs for recognition.  He reminds all of us who have become his disciples to imitate his example and trust in his redemptive suffering to triumph over the power of sin and death. 
            Bishop Rhoades has asked us to pray the Prayer of Saint Michael the Archangel at the end of all Masses.  The enemies of the Church are having a field day over our current situation.  We will ask for the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel to aid us in our battle with Satan.  In praying this prayer, we will also express our trust that the Lord’s redemptive suffering will guide us out of this time and triumph over the powers of hell.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

14 OCTOBER 2018

          The young man in today’s Gospel was definitely attracted to Jesus.  He did not stroll up to greet him.  He ran and knelt before him.  He has listened to Jesus proclaiming the Kingdom of God and wants to be part of it.  He even calls Jesus good, recognizing his share in the goodness of God.  The young man is sincere in following a moral life.  The commandments were part of his daily life.  But, he also senses that something is lacking.  Jesus looks at him with love and tells him that is one thing getting into his way, preventing him from becoming an intentional disciple:  his wealth.  This young walks away with great sadness, because he cannot bring himself to remove the many possessions keeping him from the Kingdom of God.
            The disciples of Jesus had already left everything to follow him.  Yet, they are also amazed at his words.  In their culture, wealth was seen as a positive sign of God’s favor.  Peter speaks for the rest when he reminds Jesus that they had already given up everything to follow him.  Jesus points out that giving everything away opened them to the richness of God’s gifts in ways that they could never imagine.  It will not be until after his resurrection that they would understand what Jesus is promising.  By proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, these intentional disciples would attract many more people willing to embrace the kingdom of God in their midst.  Even more, they would be part of an eternal kingdom without end.
            We are like this young man, because we too have approached the Lord Jesus in his real presence at this Mass.  We are also doing our best to keep the commandments.  When we fail, we have access to the Lord’s mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We who are blessed with many possessions want to be part of the Kingdom of God.  We also want eternal life.
            The Lord looks at us with love, just as he looked at the young man with love.  Without judgment and with love, he speaks the same word to us.  He wants us to take the next step in becoming more intentional disciples and invites us to remove whatever is holding us back from becoming more intentional disciples.  Could it be that we pray only at Mass on Sunday, without setting aside time during the week with our family?  Could it be that we cannot find time in our busy schedules to give ourselves in humble service?  Could it be that we cling so tightly to our possessions that we cannot see the need to share a portion of them with others? 
            Each of us must answer these questions in our own unique way.  Over the years, I have found the message of stewardship to be a structured way of becoming a more intentional disciple.  If we regard stewardship as a way of life, and not just a fund raiser, we can understand the importance of setting aside time during the week for prayer, becoming more aware that everything is a gift from God.  We can take another look at our busy schedules and carve out time for humble service.  We offer many opportunities to share, not just within the context of our parish, but also to serve the needs of those who do not have the blessings that we have.  We can take another look at our possessions and realize that we can set aside a first and generous portion to give back in gratitude.  As a parish, we set aside a first 8 ½ % of our income to support our sister parish of Saint Adalbert and those who come to us in need.  Our new church is a testament to those who have been willing to make financial sacrifices for the good of the community.
            When Jesus challenges us in these ways, we can see the truth of the Letter to the Hebrews.  God’s word is living and effective.  It cuts through us like a two-edged sword.  Don’t be afraid of that sword cutting through us today.  Jesus Christ loves us and wants us to become more intentional disciples.  He will keep his promise and give back more to us than we can ever give ourselves in terms of prayer, service, and sacrificial giving.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

7 OCTOBER 2018

          When the Pharisees ask Jesus their question about divorce, they already know the answer.  The Law of Moses allowed a husband to divorce his wife.  They are trying to trap Jesus into taking sides on the issue of what constitutes the reason for the divorce.  Those who interpreted the law strictly argued that infidelity would be the only reason.  Those who interpreted the law loosely argued that any reason would suffice.  A husband could divorce his wife if he did not like her cooking.  Filing for divorce was the husband’s right.  The wife had absolutely no rights.
            Jesus knows the hardness of their hearts and that they are trying to justify their actions by appealing to the law.  He appeals to God’s original plan in Genesis.  God created us in his image.  God made us male and female.  God intended the union of husband and wife to be a relationship that can only be broken by death.  Pictured as the first of the mosaics in the main aisle of our church, this covenant of marriage reflects God’s unconditional love for us. 
            When the disciples find themselves alone with Jesus in the house, they also question him about his teaching.  They find it difficult.  He rebukes them and invites the children to come to him.  Children have a way of being vulnerable and putting their trust in those who love them.  We see this type of trust when we offer Penance Services in Advent and Lent to our children.  They come rushing to the priests who are seated for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  They display a trust in the Lord who will forgive them.  Those who enter the permanent covenant of marriage can have the same trust that the Lord will give them the strength to die to themselves so that they can rise with the Lord and their spouse and children.
            We find this teaching as difficult today as the first disciples of Jesus did.  In fact, this Gospel is the basis for the Church’s teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.  We believe that once a couple has entered into a valid bond of marriage, only death can end that bond, and not a legal decree of divorce.  Unfortunately, divorce is part of the fabric of our culture, as it was at the time of Jesus.  Every one of us has been touched by divorce, in one way or another.
            At Saint Pius, we work to help parishioners to uphold this difficult teaching.  Our parish team works with couples preparing for marriage.  We have developed programs to assist married couples.  We have offered “date night” for married couples, giving them a chance to join other couples in reflecting on the Lord’s presence in their marriage.  Lou and Lori Giovannini are currently offering their seminar, Married in Christ.  We provide resources for those in troubled marriages, giving recommendations for professional therapists who believe in marriage.  We offer the services of the Marriage Tribunal to those who have experienced the scourge of divorce.  Going through the Marriage Tribunal is challenging.  It asks the question whether the marriage under study truly had everything needed to be considered a valid bond of marriage that can only be ended by death.  We offer a special ministry to those going through the process.
            Jesus’ teaching on marriage is indeed difficult.  Those of you who have made that permanent commitment know the crosses that you must carry to continue to live that Sacrament.  But you also need to know the graces that come from your sacrifices.  The month of October is dedicated to our conviction that we are made in God’s image and that we must safeguard the right to life from conception through natural death.  Please visit our website and the display in the Parish Life Center for ways to be involved.  But also know that if you are struggling to live the Sacrament of Marriage, you are already involved as you trust in the Lord’s presence in your marriage, as children trust those who love them.